Moga E Mago

"Hedonism is our discipline, love is the drug."
During my daily road through the blogosphere i stumbled upon an interesting find. It's the Toronto-based THINK CONTRA magazine discovering the friend-run and Berlin-based label: MOGA E MAGO! With 'The Blue Hour' Tobi and Elisa are presenting their second collection so far and they are already my undisputed No 1 when it comes down to luxury leather, fur and hand-made body accessories!

Moga E Mago AW 2011 - The Blue Hour


Moga E Mago at Paris Fashion Showroom

Moga E Mago in the Mags

So since Tobi and Elisa founded their label they are living it up on the fast lane and i can't tell you how impatiently curious i am to see their new handicraft pieces being presented during the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in Berlin (July 6th-July 9th)!

Enjoy THINK CONTRA'S interview with the two of them after the click.

And if you should be in Berlin anytime make sure for two things (1) having a look at their atelier and showroom at Brunnenstrasse 65 and after being inspired (2) enrich your accessory collection with at least one of the must-have-Moga-E-Mago-pieces in the PastPresent Shop at Köpenickerstr. 96!

 (f.l.t.r) Elisa Lindenberg & Tobias Noventa

Cheers! Salute! Santé!

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