Good morning, world ?!

Whether today it is Republic Day 'Festa della Repubblica' in Italy or Father's Day in Germany. It's the 2nd of June, a thursday, to be precise the 22nd thursday in the year of 2011 and i've got two things to share with you. Two things which really touch me and my sense, my understanding of humanity and freedom. For this I am posting the following videos and articles in order to spread the word, create consciousness and asking you to forward them, too!

Hamza al-Khatib

My first concern is it to inform you about the case of Hamza al-Khatib. Hamza al-Khatib was a 13-year-old boy, living in Syria. You might have taken notice of the revolution in Syria about three months ago. Thousands of demonstrators were marching through the city demanding greater freedom and an end to corruption. So did Hamza al-Khatib. He was only one of many, attending a protest calling for the end of the siege of Deraa and was picked up by  Syrian security forces on April 29th. One month later his corpse was send to his family after signing a government form saying they would bury him immediately.
This video is nothing for the faint-hearted - black swollen eyes, bullet wounds, bruises and burns to his feet, elbows, face and knees are too obviously. (Even his neck was broken and his penis cut off....)
But please, have a look at this video, read the lines of BBC, search for more in the internet and join their Facebook page! Please, spread the word the most you can! Send it to friends and let Hamza  at least be one topic in your late-night-talk with friends. Just let the people know out there and ask yourself whats going on this world in which regimes are afraid(?) of their own children, torturing them to death....



And in the name of freedom i found another interesting story taking place in the so called state of freedom - America. This time you will see how U.S Park Police men brutally arrest five people at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington. Their offense? Dancing! Yes, unallowed dancing! Silently dancing for protesting the U.S. District court’s decision that imposes a ban on dancing within the memorial. Even a kissing couple gets handcuffed and after seeing the first video above i only can type ???? behind the matter of freedom and the right to free-expression in the U.S.A.


Getting arrested

Adam's interview after arrest

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