Remember Me? - Displaced Children Of The Holocaust

The following words i would like to dedicate to the project 'Remember Me' originated by the United States Holocaust Museum.

It was the period between 1933 and 1945 in which millions of children were displaced as a result of persecution by the Nazis and their collaborators. After World War II, relief agencies photographed some of the children who survived to help find their families. Now, more than 65 years later, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is working to discover what became of these young survivors. 

For this reason they published those 1.100 taken photographs of children of different nationalities (German, Polish, Belgian, Czech, French, Hungarian and a lot of Italian, too) with the hope to identify these children, being once displaced and separated from their families, and get to know more informations about their wartime as much as their postwar experience.

And in order to this they are asking for YOUR HELP!

So if you please could sit down for some minutes and have a carefully look at these children. Ask your mum, dad, grandma and grandpa if they eventually remember  and recognize a familiar name or even face. If you recognize one of these children or yourself please contact the Museum's Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center at

Even if you will not recognize anybody, please lets at least increase the chances of identifying these children by spreading the words until this project reaches the persons recognizing one or even more of these children! 

During the last seven weeks over 70 kids could have been identified!

I took my time browsing through the photos, calling my grandma as soon as i saw the pictures of the three girls from Berlin - unfortunately without success - and now, all i still can do is sharing, sharing it with YOU!

Rosel Klein, Berlin
Annette Erlich

Serge Itkin

Tobi Mareo
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