Pictoplasma Festival Berlin 2011


With the sunrise of Wednesday our capital will be flooded again for four full days  by the world's largest and leading festival of contemporary character design! In this April the annual Pictoplasma Festival once again brings together the worldwide scene of artists, animators, illustrators and producers to share their predilection for character-driven aesthetics. To the satisfaction of everybody Pictoplasma Festival involves this year 25 galleries and project spaces in Berlin-Mitte, more than 50 international artists, over 600 international conference attendees and a vast range of presentations, workshops, installations, character walk exhibitions, performances and last but not least - parties!

So have a look at their little Opener trailer and enjoy the lively second half of this first April's week!

When: April 6th 2011 - April 10th 2011
Where: Babylon, Volksbühne, .HBC and 25 galleries and project spaces in Berlin-Mitte

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